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We Present Our Projects

      1. Islamic TV in German language            

2. The Way-to-Allah Online Library


3. "WTA Publishing House"


4. Advertising in Public!


5. Endowment (Waqf)


6. Dawa in our own special way


7. Information Booth Project


8. Islamic Info Corner


9. Public Telephone!


10. "Personal Assistance"


11. For New Converts: Your Brother / Your Sister in Islam


12. Your Other Half


13. Counseling in Prison


14. Providing Literature in German to Libraries


15. Providing Literature in Arabic to Institutions


16. Placement in Tunisian Quran schools


17. Feeding the Poor. "The Merciful Pardons the Merciful."


Note: The books for projects 2, 10, 13, 14 and 15 can be found in bookstores across Germany.

We are open for new ideas and looking forward to your suggestions! Just write to us!