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Topics that Move!
Explanations, statements, backgrounds

In this rubric we would like to present texts and reports about the basics of Islam, their realization and their justification. There are frequent discussions (also in private life) about important topics. These discussions are often formed by lack of knowledge or false information about Islamic law and guidelines. Incomprehension arises and many people condemn things that happen without knowledge or sensitiveness for this religion.

Often negative association stay in peoples minds, e.g. by negative press. Violence and suppression are thought to be typical for Islam, though this is tradition or custom and has to be departed from Islam.

Seldom it is shown how positive Islamic law is for cohabiting of a community. Because this is a very complex topic, much knowledge has to be gained, before one can discuss with a sophisticated point of view. We hope, that with this rubric we can do some awareness training. That way we wish, Islam gets the significance and appreciation it really deserves, even from Non-Muslims.


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